SDM is a tool for quick analysis of the value and recovery for different sawing patterns with regards to the market value of sawn wood. It can be used to optimize sorting of logs in sawing batches. Different sawing patterns is easily tested with regards to diameter, wood price, recovery value etc. The pattern can be stored and compared to each other in a graphical analysis tool.
Today the sawing is often optimized on-line in an sophisticated mathematical program after laser/x-ray scanning of the logs. Often you quickly need to check your ideas at the office on how the optimization could be changed, without affecting the production. For example, Can we saw the logs smarter due the new order of odd dimensions from Japan? This is the tool for quick and advanced analysis for planning the production at the sawmill.
SDM is used at several mills in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Estonia as well as in education.
Our goal is to develop SDM further, step by step, with the help of user input.